Monday 28 June 2010

Secondary Research

Here is the research that I found on 'This is England'

The Youth Crime genre led me to the 'This is England' internet site. I retrieved information about the potential audience and the actors, the information is shown above. I found it hard to pick out an audience that is like a modern day 'skinhead' which was described in this information. Therefore I had to look at This internet site helped me find a group of people who were similar to this 80s 'skinhead' culture, so I could bring the audience into the twenty -first century. Firstly, I thought of the indie scenesters, both groups share the view of feeling unique and not mainstream, they love to be different. More information about the indie scenesters is shown below. Based on this source, people who were part of this skin head culture in the 80s would love to see this film because of the costume and the location. Both probably relate to the lifestyles which they had when they were younger. The film will be a good flashback to bring back memories for them. I looked at channel 4 news and it claimed 'The film's production team say the movie highlights important issues such as the dangers of bullying and racism, and deserves to be seen by a younger audience. ' The problem with this though is that it is certificate 18, so the young audience are restricted from seeing the film. Also, the target audience is reached 'perhaps at the working class, most likely teenagers, because the working class can relate to this film, because of the setting and story line, and because most of the cast are teens/young adults,it enables teenagers to relate to the film a lot. The production practices are, in my opinion basic, because the set is pre-fabricated in residential areas of Nottingham, which makes it realistic, which helps the audience relate.' This is a good way of describing the information, I recieved it from ,

'This is England' attract their audience very well, after they have identified who they want to target, they attract their potential audience by including effective mise-en-scene, the clothes the charcetrs wear have been thought of considerably, every characters costume has been created to portray to the audience a realistic 80s, traditional English film. Also the costume helps attract the target audience of indie scensters because the type of clothes they wear are the same as the characters in the film, so straight away if this tribe is the trailer or a poster they are suddenly attracted by the clothers which they like and can relate to, this is what i want to achieve when i produce my poster and trailer, costume which the audience can relate to and can help them make their mind up if they want to see the film or not, because my audience main audience are scene kids; I am going to look extensively at what they wear to help me decide on what my characetrs are going to wear. From identifying the audience it helps with chosing the music with the trailer, this is due if people like the genre of music in the trailer they then believe that they will like the film itself.

Research that I found on 'Adulthood'

The movie shows everyday life and struggle of London’s teenagers. The movie is aimed at mostly males aged 15-20 and for both Caucasian and Afro-American groups of people, that like to watch movies that reflect every day issues. Working class people are more likely to watch this type of movie because it represents a “normal” life. The reason for that is I watched the movie and from what I observed the movie is aimed at these groups of people, because its more of a boyish movie that has some violence and a lot of strong language and some sex scenes. The best way to describe this group of people is urban as I found out on UK tribes; it stated;
'Core Tribe members are most influenced by what they see around them in their urban environments, in clubs and on social networks. YouTube, Myspace and Facebook are the most effective conduit to these kids.enthusiasts who don’t produce but enjoy consuming music and film with their friends. Their hooded tops are intimidating but their conversation is friendly, open-minded and laid back. Blingers are preoccupied with US music and icons, and spend big on label fashion.'

I believe this is a good way to describe this group of people who have seen the film 'Adulthood.'

The social class of my audience are middle to working class who are aged between 16 and 25 this is because the people involved in my production are around that age and the film relates to the lifestyles they live and the challenges they have faced, this has effected my production because I can take peoples past experiences into consideration and see if it fits in the film well.


al norman said...

You could consider the relevance of This is England being set in the 80s.
Who would want to see it, given its setting?
Who would want to see it given its director and his reputation?
Who would want to see it given its genre?
I'm not convinced that your suggestion of a chav audience is right. Just because they may have some similarities to skinheads doesn't mean they will want to see this film.

Nicola Naisbett said...

I'd like to see more about who the audience of this genre is through some audience profiles please....tell me about their age, social class etc. and how this will impact on what you make.

As i said in my previous post, you must demonstrate how your ideas are developing and changing in light of research that you're undertaking.