Saturday, 31 July 2010

Rough copies of institutional logos

My main focus for institutional logo's are keeping it simple, easy to recognise and memorable

The rough copies I created gave me an idea of useful names which are unique and professional.
used a black and white background for all of my work so the name of the brand stands out
better. I will probably decide on the best one by asking my audience on which they prefer, then use that for my final work. I have only used pen and paper so when I come to a conclusion on the best rough copy the final copy will be much better because it will be produced on photo shop. I got inspired to create these like I did basically because they are different and unique from anything else, they have been thought of randomly from myself. I believe all three are very good though and would be accepted as professional names and logos for a company. The institutional logos are very important in a trailer because if a well-known company produces a film with their name on it the audience will see the product as being of high quality and satisfying the viewers' needs. The logos are shown for around 3 seconds in a trailer this is enough time though for the audience to identify the creators of the film, the logos are shown at
different times in different trailers, some are shown in the middle, some at the beginning and some at the ending. I believe the best time to show the logo is at the end of the trailer because after the audience have seen what the film has to offer their attention will be at their highest level so they will remember the name better. So here are some different names and ideas which I have come up with...
I think the 'W' in the background is a good symbol because it is simple and easy to remember, I think I should have done 'pictures' in a small font because it is not as important as what the rest of the logo has to offer. The circle around the word 'wisdom' highlights the name of the company and is a good way I believe to show off the company better. One thing that I don't like about all my rough copies are that the colours I have included are very dull and not attractive. When I produce my final copy I will try to use a range of bright colours to improve how eye-catching it is.I like how this one shows the city landscape it works really well with the name of the institution. I like how the name covers the background but you can still identify what the background shows. If this becomes my final copy I will have to find or create a similar skyline to New York, which will be difficult but if done successfully then would look effective.

In this case I was trying to write the name of the company in the form of a calligram, that is the word is written in the shape of what it actually means. I think the name of this company could be better, it is not very strong and doesn't sound as firm as the two other names. The green colour as well could be better. But I think this idea will be easy to remember for the audience due to its simplicity and originality.

I produced a pie chart which is shown below based on the audience views on which the thought was the best institutional name/logo I did this research because it has helped me decide on the best copy which I had produced, I asked the audience for their feedback because their opinion matters more than anyone else's because their the ones who are watching the film. So when I produce my trailer I will create the logo of 'Wisdom Pictures' this rough copy took over half of the audience's votes.

Another idea I thought of was calling the company 'Number One Studios' I think this is a better name than the other ones I have thought of because; the audience imply that the studios are the best due to the 'number one' in the name. Also, the name is very easy to remember. So when I produce my logo I will consider calling it 'Number One Studios.' I thought of this idea whilst looking at pictures on google images and the image saying 'We're number one' just stood out, which made me consider including it in my coursework.

Wisdom Pictures institutional logo rough copies

Rough copy one - Shown below are a couple of institutional logos under the name of 'Wisdom
pictures' I did my logos for my trailer on photoshop. The one shown on the left contains a lot of altered colours and changing in contrast/balance. I thinking it looks very
dramatic and effective due to the black and white mixture. My only negative comment is that the word 'wisdom' is not as eye catching as i want, its to embedded into the background, it could be clearer.

Rough Copy two - I think the logo shown on the left is good, but not as good as the one described above. It contains a lot of vibrance and curves this has produced a very bland colour which is not very pleasing from the audiences point of view. To make it better I think I could have used more eye-catching colours which will not only look better but also satisfy the audience more convincingly.

Number One Studios institutional logo rough copies

Rough copy three - Shown on the left is my first attempt at doing an institutional logo under the name of Number One Studio and I am really happy about the outcome. The foam finger isreally effective to express the name. I used the colour of the finger for 'number' and 'studios' so its all the same colour, making it look more professional. The word 'Number' is bigger and high in the logo compared to 'Studios' because it is more important information.

Rough copy four - Shown on the right is my second attempt at creating a logo under the name
of 'Number One Studios.' The colours which I used include 'Gold' and 'Bronze' these to colours imply quality and professionalism, so I think the colours involved in the logo work very well. I believe that this one isn't has good as the one shown above though.

Audience feedback on institutional logos -I asked 30 people of my target audience to choose their favourite out of the institutional logos I have created, i produced the recordings in a bar chart which is shown below. I chose to produce the information in a bar chart because it is easy to see which logos are popular and which ones aren't.

The most popular of the logos is the third rough copy, this is one of the 'number one studios' logos. It got 13 out of 30 votes, based on this research I am going to use the third rough copy for my production. I also may intend using the most popular 'wisdom pictures' logo for my production, I will evaluate whether it is worth including or not.

Sourcing the Copyright for my Soundtrack

Based on my primary research, the favourite genre of music was hip/hop, so I thought carefully about a song from this genre which best compliments my plans for the trailer. I came to the conclusion that the best song to use is 'Tinnie Tempah's' song 'Pass Out.' This song is very up- beat and fasted paced, it represents the hectic lifestyles of the characters. I think the song will be used throughout the trailer but at different volume levels, the volume will be lower when more important scenes/situations are shown. To get the copy right for this track I firstly had to find the record label which he is signed to. I located his record label on MySpace, it is 'DL Records'. Their logo is shown on the right. I then found an email address which I used to contact them to see if I could use their song in my coursework, I then emailed the company to see if I could use their product. If I receive no reply from the email then I can use the song. The email that I sent is located below....

Dear DL Records

I am an A level student and I am writing to request your permission to use one track from the album by 'Pass Out – EP’ made by the artist ‘Tinie Tempah.’

The track I wish to use is "Pass Out" on the album. With your permission this track would be used in my current A-Level Media Project, acting as a soundtrack, this involves creating a Film Trailer, as well as producing a poster for the film and a film magazine cover.

If I received your permission this track would be viewed by my peers, teachers and the OCR exam board, it would also be uploaded to a public video website in order for it to be embedded into my personal blog for research and planning.

The Artist and your Company would be fully recognised throughout pre-production and the final trailer itself. A copyright notice, with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the project. If this is required, please send full details.

Yours Sincerely,

William Gardner

If the record label do not allow me to use their song then I would have to think of a back-up, I don't have one at the moment but if I need one then it would be of similar genre to 'Pass Out' so I can keep the representation the same as if I would be using my intended song. If worst comes to worst I will try to create a useful beat on Garage Band.

Issues surrounding soundtrack

I have just been informed (23rd September) that i am not allowed to use my proposed soundtrack ('Pass Out') for my production, this is due to the exam board not allowing me to use someone else's work. To overcome this problem, i will need to create my own soundtrack, i will do this on Garage Band and try to replicate the song which I intended to use.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Proposal of ideas

Based on my audience research, the genre I have chosen for my film is youth crime, my audience liked this genre so they would probably be interested in what I am producing. The story is about a teenager who is faced with hard decisions about his life, there are two sides to his personality, the side which is mum and dad see which is a good lad, who the parents should be proud of, but the other side is what his friends see, an aggressive and abusive teenager. He tries to cover these separate personalities to the different people in his life. But one day it all comes out and his almost secret identities are revealed and everything goes wrong for him. I won't include the rest of the story line in the trailer so the audience keeps wondering how these two different lives are going to collide and what are the effects of this. By ending on a cliff hanger like this the audience are asking a lot questions so persuades them to watch the trailer to answer the questions they have asked themselves after looking at the trailer. But for my film I will collide these twos lives by showing the main character being hand-cuffed and put into a police car with his mum and dad looking on, this leads to his mum and dad losing trust in their son and in turn their son gets out of control, his mum and dad try to turn him back into the boy they once knew and loved. The film is a lot about maturing and learning from mistakes, as the main character gets older the wiser, maturer and better behave he becomes, a lot of thanks going to his mum and dad for getting him out of the negative world he was once in. For the finale of the film we see the main character grow up to having a job, with him wearing a suit and looking a new man with a positive future.

I think this storyline is good because a lot of teenagers can relate to it. I believe that a lot of teenagers will have different personalities from when they see their friends in contrast to when they see their family. This is what I am trying to show with this film, I am also trying to illustrate the consequences of this spilt personality when the cover-up breaks down. I will try to show this split through mainly mise-en-scene, I will portray this main character with different costumes, locations and props between the times that he sees his family and when he meets up with his friends. To create a trailer for my film I will show direct shots, one after another, of him with the different groups of people in his life, this will show the audience straight away the contrast in personality, body language and characteristics of the main character in the film. I will do a voice over in the trailer in first person for the main character to show his perspective of the situation he is in so the audience can understand the storyline better. I will also try to show in my trailer both sides of the characters life but not when they collide with each other, this leaves the audience wanting questions to be answered and the only way they can be answered is if they go and see the film. The genre will be shown in the trailer via the use of mise-en-scene, the introduction of hooded-youths and baseball bats will give the audience ideas about what the genre is about because they presume and link the costume and props to the genre. To make the genre stronger and easier for the audience to identify, location needs to be thought about, the viewers won't believe it is a crime film if the characters live in mansions, deprived run-down areas will have to be used this will help the audience recognise the genre better. Therefore, I will have to include a lot of establishing shots in my trailer to help show the location.
The location will be picked wisely as well for the poster and the magazine cover because it has to look aesthetically pleasing and also professional. To make it look professional I will try to replicate the codes which I discovered in my research such as mastheads, sell line placement, colours, different shot types and many more characteristics of a magazine covers. For the poster I will try to show the genre of the film and help the audience decide if they want to see the film or not, I will try to accomplish this by showing a dramatic shot which is eye catching and help get possible viewers interested in seeing the film.
My film poster will try to contain the main character, I think I will use a close-up because it will help show the expressions of the character better. However, the disadvantage of this shot is that I can't show the costume of the character this is a problem because the audience need to see the genre of the film though mise-en-scene, and the costume is an important part of this. I will include a prop such as a baseball bat for the poster because it will represent the violence involved in the film. The name of the film will be in a big bold font so it stands out from the page so the audience can see it better. To make the poster more professional I will include the name of the producers and the actors involved in the film.
My magazine cover will have a masthead and sell lines, the masthead name will be catchy and easy to remember whilst the sell lines will be a good way of advertising the contents. More important information will be highlighted effectively via the use of underlining or put in a brighter, contrasting colour.The main picture will link to the main article in the magazine, the picture will have to be dramatic and different so the audience are interested in the article more positively. To make the cover look more professional I will include the price, date and bar-code, not only will this make it look better but also the audience will believe the information in the magazine is more reliable.
In my trailer I will try to attract people to the film but not give too much of the storyline away because I don't want people to know the outcome of the film before they have watched it. This is because they may not want to watch it any more based on the revealing advert. In my trailer I will try to introduce the main characters in the film so the audience feels part of it. The genre of the film will be shown mainly through mise-en-scene; the location, props and costume people will look at these three areas and identify the representation of youthful crime. This will also help the viewers make up their mind if the want to go and see the film or not because they will recognise the genre and maybe interested in that type of genre.