My main focus for institutional logo's are keeping it simple, easy to recognise and memorable
The rough copies I created gave me an idea of useful names which are unique and professional.
used a black and white background for all of my work so the name of the brand stands out
better. I will probably decide on the best one by asking my audience on which they prefer, then use that for my final work. I have only used pen and paper so when I come to a conclusion on the best rough copy the final copy will be much better because it will be produced on photo shop. I got inspired to create these like I did basically because they are different and unique from anything else, they have been thought of randomly from myself. I believe all three are very good though and would be accepted as professional names and logos for a company. The institutional logos are very important in a trailer because if a well-known company produces a film with their name on it the audience will see the product as being of high quality and satisfying the viewers' needs. The logos are shown for around 3 seconds in a trailer this is enough time though for the audience to identify the creators of the film, the logos are shown at
different times in different trailers, some are shown in the middle, some at the beginning and some at the ending. I believe the best time to show the logo is at the end of the trailer because after the audience have seen what the film has to offer their attention will be at their highest level so they will remember the name better. So here are some different names and ideas which I have come up with...
I think the 'W' in the background is a good symbol because it is simple and easy to remember, I think I should have done 'pictures' in a small font because it is not as important as what the rest of the logo has to offer. The circle around the word 'wisdom' highlights the name of the company and is a good way I believe to show off the company better. One thing that I don't like about all my rough copies are that the colours I have included are very dull and not attractive. When I produce my final copy I will try to use a range of bright colours to improve how eye-catching it is.I like how this one shows the city landscape it works really well with the name of the institution. I like how the name covers the background but you can still identify what the background shows. If this becomes my final copy I will have to find or create a similar skyline to New York, which will be difficult but if done successfully then would look effective.In this case I was trying to write the name of the company in the form of a calligram, that is the word is written in the shape of what it actually means. I think the name of this company could be better, it is not very strong and doesn't sound as firm as the two other names. The green colour as well could be better. But I think this idea will be easy to remember for the audience due to its simplicity and originality.
I produced a pie chart which is shown below based on the audience views on which the thought was the best institutional name/logo I did this research because it has helped me decide on the best copy which I had produced, I asked the audience for their feedback because their opinion matters more than anyone else's because their the ones who are watching the film. So when I produce my trailer I will create the logo of 'Wisdom Pictures' this rough copy took over half of the audience's votes.
Another idea I thought of was calling the company 'Number One Studios' I think this is a better name than the other ones I have thought of because; the audience imply that the studios are the best due to the 'number one' in the name. Also, the name is very easy to remember. So when I produce my logo I will consider calling it 'Number One Studios.' I thought of this idea whilst looking at pictures on google images and the image saying 'We're number one' just stood out, which made me consider including it in my coursework.
Wisdom Pictures institutional logo rough copies
Rough copy one - Shown below are a couple of institutional logos under the name of 'Wisdom
pictures' I did my logos for my trailer on photoshop. The one shown on the left contains a lot of altered colours and changing in contrast/balance. I thinking it looks very
dramatic and effective due to the black and white mixture. My only negative comment is that the word 'wisdom' is not as eye catching as i want, its to embedded into the background, it could be clearer.
Rough Copy two - I think the logo shown on the left is good, but not as good as the one described above. It contains a lot of vibrance and curves this has produced a very bland colour which is not very pleasing from the audiences point of view. To make it better I think I could have used more eye-catching colours which will not only look better but also satisfy the audience more convincingly.
Number One Studios institutional logo rough copies
Rough copy three - Shown on the left is my first attempt at doing an institutional logo under the name of Number One Studio and I am really happy about the outcome. The foam finger isreally effective to express the name. I used the colour of the finger for 'number' and 'studios' so its all the same colour, making it look more professional. The word 'Number' is bigger and high in the logo compared to 'Studios' because it is more important information.
Rough copy four - Shown on the right is my second attempt at creating a logo under the name
of 'Number One Studios.' The colours which I used include 'Gold' and 'Bronze' these to colours imply quality and professionalism, so I think the colours involved in the logo work very well. I believe that this one isn't has good as the one shown above though.
Audience feedback on institutional logos -I asked 30 people of my target audience to choose their favourite out of the institutional logos I have created, i produced the recordings in a bar chart which is shown below. I chose to produce the information in a bar chart because it is easy to see which logos are popular and which ones aren't.
Where did you inspiration come from?
How are these logos etc. used in other trailers? When are they used?
Also, annotate them. What do you like/dislike about them?
Any ideas about what you might use and what you might not?
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