Sunday 28 November 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main task and ancillary tasks?

Shown below are videos with me answering this question....

The first video shows how and where my media products will be viewed...

Below are pictures which I wish to see after I have produced my work. The audience will see the poster for example if it was shown in a bus stop or outside a cinema. Just like I imagined with the pictures below.

This second video identifies what advertising does to the audience....

The third video talks about how I made the products more recognisable...

The forth video is me talking about how I gained the attention of the audience...

The fifth video below talks about how I linked the film through different types of media...

The last video below is me talking about how important linking the different medias together...

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

This question is answered below within the Prezi.

Monday 15 November 2010

Final Products

Final Product - Film Poster

Final Product - Film Trailer

Final Product - Magazine Cover

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Construction Process

Construction Process - Film Magazine Cover

Shown above is the start of my magazine cover, I have placed sell lines were I want to, but they have not effects on them also the font and the size is wrong, so I will change that in time, this layout has helped me think about the placement of the maon picture on the front cover more carefully, so after my photoshoot when I have produced the right picture for my front cover I will place it correctly within were the sell lines are placed, I have also tried to make my front cover look more effective already, I have tried to achieve this by including the issue number, the date the issue was released and a barcode, all these factors together help make the cover look more professional and more catching to the audience.

Construction Process- Film Poster

I'm happy with my first draft for my poster, I have tried hard to produce the correct layout. I have achieved this by placing the film name, slogan and characters name in positions which fit in well with the rest of the poster, the start of the creation of my poster makes it easier to include a picture because I now know the preferd position of the picture around the writing. I have included institutional names in my work so people can idnetify the creators, this may persuade them to see the film if they have seen a film by the same company before which they enjoyed.

Monday 8 November 2010

Photo shoot Images

Below are some images from my photoshoot which I intend to use in my production, one for my trailer and one for my magazine cover. I have used different shot types to help my target audience to decide on the best picture in their opinion from the shoot for my trailer and for my magazine cover. For everyone of my rough drafts I have used a plain brick-like background, like I intended based on my photo shoot plans, the plain background makes the audience concentrate more on the main character, and what he is doing, so codes and conventions are shown to the audience much more effectively. In every photo, the main character is seen with a baseball bat, plimsoles, jeans and wearing a hoodie, just like I intended based on my prop and costume planning post. The use of mise-en-scene through the use of props and costume help show the genre and help the audience presume roughly what the film is about, persuade them to go and
see it.

Photo shoot Picture - 1.
My first draft is a medium close-up, I firstly decided to produce this shot because it is a good
shot to show facial expressions, we see the character looking cocky with his head slightly tilted back implying that he believes he has more power than other people. The picture on the left is without make-up whilst the one on the right is the same picture but with make-up.

Photo shoot Picture-2
This is the best shot out of the five to show the costume of the character due to it is a wide shot, so shows the whole costume. This shot will be good for a magazine cover because there is a lot of space either side of the character which could be used for sell lines to help advertise the magazine.

Photo shoot Picture-3
Another wide shot, this one is different because it is an action shot, the character is actually doing something, rather than standing and posing, this is useful because it produces a more striking, dramatic shot, that will catch the audiences eye more effectively whether it was on a magazine cover of a film poster.

Photo shoot Picture-4

Another wide shot that could be used for a magazine front cover, the facial expressions on the character in this shot are very good, they help show that he is very rude and doesn't stand for any rubbish, this shot is the best at showing the rough urban location which i am showing to show in my production as well.

Audience Feedback - I asked 30 people in my target audience to pick their favourite out of the four pictures from my photo shoot. The fourth picture was the most popular with 12 out of the 30 votes whilst the third picture was in song with 8 votes, this has shown me that the audience like to see wide shots better than mainly any others, this has helped me because it has shown me that I will include at least one picture in my production with a wide shot.

Shooting Schedule

This is a scanned in shooting schedule that I used for the stills camera on the days of shooting. It shows the day I recorded on, how long the different shots were which is produced, the type of shot, the location of which which my recording took place, the equipment used, the cast's names, the props used in the different shots and whether I am satisfied with the shot its self, whether I I will use it in my production or not use. Creating a shooting schedule has helped me make sure i have produced the right shots for my production based on my storyboard, I not really sure about editing decisions as of yet, so I made some notes about what I think would work with each shot, I think it would be very hard to say which shots will be used without watching the footage properly yet.