Tuesday 9 November 2010

Construction Process

Construction Process - Film Magazine Cover

Shown above is the start of my magazine cover, I have placed sell lines were I want to, but they have not effects on them also the font and the size is wrong, so I will change that in time, this layout has helped me think about the placement of the maon picture on the front cover more carefully, so after my photoshoot when I have produced the right picture for my front cover I will place it correctly within were the sell lines are placed, I have also tried to make my front cover look more effective already, I have tried to achieve this by including the issue number, the date the issue was released and a barcode, all these factors together help make the cover look more professional and more catching to the audience.

Construction Process- Film Poster

I'm happy with my first draft for my poster, I have tried hard to produce the correct layout. I have achieved this by placing the film name, slogan and characters name in positions which fit in well with the rest of the poster, the start of the creation of my poster makes it easier to include a picture because I now know the preferd position of the picture around the writing. I have included institutional names in my work so people can idnetify the creators, this may persuade them to see the film if they have seen a film by the same company before which they enjoyed.

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