Tuesday 3 August 2010

Flatplans & Fonts For Film Name

Film Poster - I have named the film 'Deuce' which is derived from the French word meaning 'two'. This represents the two split personalities of the main character, the film name is located in the centre of the poster and will be a contrasting colour from the colour behind it so it's more eye catching. I think I will chose a graffiti-like font so it provides an indication of the genre, but more importantly the font has to look aesthetically pleasing. The main character is shown with a baseball bat over his shoulders with his hood up with a very serious face. I will try to re-create a black eye with make-up so the crime genre is shown to the audience more effectively and efficiently. I have chosen a medium shot for the character so the facial expressions are shown more clearly. I will try to introduce the producers and actors involved below the name of the film but not in big letters because it is not the most important information which I am trying to show. In my final product I will also try to include a slogan of some sort to help show the audience what the film is about, and persuade them to go and see the film. The poster doesn't have a high a lot of depth of field because it helps show the characters situation, stuck in his world and can't get out, just like a jail, this shows that the character doesn't have any freedom to do what he wants to do. The location well not be a huge problem because the shot will show most of the character, rather than the location, but the location need to be thought about because it will effect the lighting, I am going to use dark lighting to show the dark personality of the character so preferably and plain background which is done with natural, dark light.

Film magazine cover - I haven't thought of a name for my magazine yet, so I have just included 'masthead' where I feel the masthead will be positioned, I have positioned it across the page and across the top, the name of the magazine is very important, that is why it is in the largest font and at the top of the page and that is why I am taking my time to decide on a final name. I will try to include lots of sell lines in my magazine front
cover because it sells the product better, it is a great way of advertising what the magazine has to offer. To make the magazine more authentic and professional I have included the date of release for the magazine, the price and the bar
code. The audience will believe/trust the information from the magazine better if they feel it is professional. Important information is highlighted by being underlined, or placed within a star, this makes it stand out more and more eye-catching to the audience. The picture on the front cover helps advertise the most important article of the magazine, I will try to create a very dramatic, eye -catching picture which helps show the genre of the film through the use of mise-en-scene; showing what the character is wearing and including props such as the baseball bat shown in the version I have created. I will also try to invite the audience into the film by showing the audience the personality of the main character, I will try to show this via facial expressions and body
language. Again, for this photo I will use either a plain white background or a dark natural setting, as shown in my photo shoot plans. A natural dark setting will show the dark, negative personality of the main character in the photo. A plain, white background helps the audience concentrate on the main photo, rather than the lest important information around it. I have decide to create a wide shot because it shows the hole body of the character this is good in expressing mise-en-scene in the form of costume, people can see the genre much better based on the costume and the prop.

After I have produced my flat plans I thought about how this will effect my final product, after creating my first draft for my poster, I think I will have to bring into consideration the use of colours and the how important the main picture is in the poster. From asking people about posters in my audience research, I have come to the conclusion that the most important part of the poster is how eye-catching it is and how well the picture portrays the film. I will try to improve how attractive, eye-catching and pleasing the poster is by including bright colours and makes sure the positioning of the picture and words are thought of and look well placed within
the poster. This will help satisfy the audience's perception of the film.

My magazine cover flat plan made me think a lot about how important it is to attract the audience. The use of sell lines which are highlighted, underlined and put in a big font make information appear more important and attract the audience more to the product, this will effect my final product because; I will try to include the use of highlighting, underlining and/or font size to interpret the importance of information which is shown.

After doing my flatplans, I then brought into consideration different fonts which I can use to show the name 'DEUCE' and thought about if they would look good if I placed them in my flatplans, here are some different font which I have found to help show the genre of youth crime to the audience.

To look at different fonts for my film name i used www.dafont.com, it is a great website which
shows different possible fonts for whatever I want to produce. I am going to investigate different fonts on this website and how well they help show what the film is about.
I want to achieve a bold, strong font which portrays the 'hard man' look of the main character. I looked under the section of 'destroy fonts' and it came up with some very useful results, such ones are shown below.

First Font - Destroyed License Plate

I think this is a good start as a template because it portrays the rough, untidy life the characters involved in film live in. The sparks around the name make it stand out and will attract the audience to the name. The only problem with this font is that it looks unfinished and scruffy which may make the audience perceive a poor film.

Second font - Destruccion

Very similar to the first one, but the word look more worn-away and run down, interpreting the location of the film. The sparks around the word is harder to identify than the first one. This is a positive because it makes the word look tidier and more professional.

Third Font - Defused

This is the final font that I thought would look good for my production under the category of 'destroy fonts.' It still links to the rough, jagged and ruffled look which I am trying to achieve.

Fourth Font - Graffiti

I also tryed to create a font linked to graffiti, the one shown above is a graffiti font which links to the crime and negative aspect of the film, many of my audience will be of an age were they have seen or have tried graffti art so relates to their lifes, which may attract them to the film more affectivly.

Fifth Font - Amstersdam
This is another font I experimented with, its came under the category of 'Graffiti.' Its not as strong as the other graffiti- themed font due to the smooth sides, which makes it not look as strong as striking to the audience. To make the font look more aggressive i tried to put the word in capitals but the font didn't allow me.

To help me decide on which font to use I asked 30 people from my target audience to choose their favourite, based on the results I will use the most popular font for my production.

The two most popular fonts are 'Destroyed license Plate' and 'Destruccion' both with 11 votes a piece, I am happy that two fonts are really popular because I can now choose myself which one is better, for both my magazine cover and film poster I can now evaluate how good both fonts look and fit in with my production. So now I will use either one of the two fonts for my work or use both fonts, but for different parts of the production process.

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