Wednesday 25 August 2010

Photo Shoot Plans

In my photo shoot I have decided not to use natural light and use a standard set-up in a studio. This involves the key light, this is the main light located near the camera. I also intend to use the fill light which is placed the other side of the key light from the camera but lower down, this helps fill any shadows which may be seen. This will effect my magazine front cover and poster because this shot will help me get rid of any unprofessional shadows and produce the perfect lighting for what I intend to create.

If I don't use my first photo shoot plan as shown, I will most probably use one like the one shown above. It is very simple to set up but very effective, it makes the photo like very natural, but by using photo shop, it can make the picture look very striking. The natural lighting and plain background can be altered in effects on photo shop to what I desire.

The best photo shoot plan to show my genre will be dark, low-key lighting. The audience will interpret this as a crime genre because they now can see the location as dark and negative. Showing that the characters only come out when the sun goes down and do illegally things which they may not be able to do in the sunlight because they may get caught. A set-up like the one shown below will help show the darkness and the street lamps, if positioned correctly then, it will show not a lot of light in the shot, but enough to see the character, and see their facial expression and body language to help show the mise-en-scene of the film.

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