Sunday 29 August 2010

Skills Development.

To improve my skills I took a lot of interest in tutorials, this has really helped me improve my coursework because it has sharpened my knowledge and understanding so improving my work overall. Tutorials in the form of a video, such as the one below helped me understand how prezi worked and make the most out of the experience of using it. From these tutorials I have learnt how to create 'paths', 'framing', improve presentational skills and many more useful tips. This has benefited my production because now I can show my work on prezi, this is a real positive because prezi is brilliant for showing information and it is easy to retrieve and read.


Also to improve my knowledge of camera angles I used an internet site called media know all
the link is: This site helped me find out about
different camera angles and how/when they are used, this really supported me particularly when it came to making my trailer. I can now be more confident in trying different angles and shots to make my work more effective. I print screened some of the information I learnt about which is shown on the left.
To make the most out of blogger I took a lot of interest in the 'Blogger's help' channel on YouTube this internet site; helped me post items via my phone (shown below), upload videos, embed prezis and many more. This has benefited my work because it has helped me keep it in one area and improved my application to study because I now know what I need to do and what I need to improve.

My final products will dramatically improve based on the useful skills I have learnt from looking at tutorials. It will improve because I can organise my time better, i can do this by learning how to produce posts via my phone, which makes it easier and more convenient due to not having a computer/laptop with me at all times. Also, looking at prezi tutorials give me a better understanding of how to use the site, this in-turn will help express what I have created/trying to show with my work.

To improve my development I went to Teesside University (Symol shown on the right.) a teacher from the university gave me an insight on how to use professional cameras and how to edit my work using Final Cut Express. (Symbol shown on the left.) He helped me understand how to do tilt shots, record and edit my records. This workshop made me get to grips how to create different shots and edit them more effectivly so my final product because more
professional and authentic. The picture on the right shows my getting to grips with working the camera and how to use different buttons and effects. At this stage I was recording different shots which I had learnt and putting them into practice.

The video below is what I created on Final Cut Express, it shows an advertisement for people who are wondering if they want to do AS Media Studies, it persuades them to do just that. It helped me put the skills that i have learnt into action. I took a lot of time perfecting the cuts between different shots so that characters dialogue fitted in well and precise. Another skill I learnt from this production is how to fade in and out music for when I desired it. I got given the video footage, but it was all mixed-up and longer than I wanted. I did a lot of editing to make the footage fit in to what I was trying achieve.

1 comment:

Nicola Naisbett said...

you need to re-embedd this as it's not available at present