Wednesday 25 August 2010


A Recce is a pre-filming or pre-photography visit to a location. The purpose of the visit is to decide upon the suitability of the location for shooting. I will need to comment upon the access to necessary facilities, assessment of potential lighting and/or any potential sound problems.

The location is very important for the creation of my film, this is because it has to link to the story of the film, it will help the audience get more involved/be more interested in the trailer if the locations are more believable and authentic, also it will help the audience understand the characters better. To make my film better I took a lot of locations into consideration and finalised on a couple of areas in Darlington which are deprived, run down, working class and
contain graffiti; perfect for the setting of my film. The
map below shows some areas which I intend to shoot in.

I also want to shoot in Richmond as well which is 8 miles from the Darlington, this is because it links to the
Darlington area, it too has areas that are deprived and run down. It also has a police station and bus stops which I intend to include in my production.

The shot shown on the left is of a house which I may use with the parents of the main character outside.

The picture shown on the right is of the police station i intend to use in my trailer, police
stations symbolizes crime and the audience can jump to conclusions after seeing the establishing shot of the police station

This area in Darlington shown above, is ideal for what I intend to create because it shows a run-down area which is not looked after, as you can tell from the over grown bushes, cracked pavement, and the graffiti on the wall. The lighting may be good in the day but the shade from the high-rise buildings either side of the area may mean that it will be darker than I may want. It is away from the main roads so will be quiet which will help maintain the focus of the actors and will mean I won't need to edit out unnecessary noise.

The area shown on the right is also located in Darlington, in the town centre this means that it will be very loud and busy with a lot of people passing and traffic noises this may mean that we
will have to film at a quiet time like late at night which may effect the lighting, so it is a hard area to film in. However, the park bench makes it a good location because it will create a good shot where we can show different characters passing
there time, just like in real life.

This will help show my genre of youth crime because people stereotypically view crime with
poor deprived, not well looked after areas like the one shown on the left. I will include high rise buildings in my production because most crime happens in town/city centres were areas are built up. Also high rise buildings create a shadow which is good for lighting because I want to include dark gloomy areas to represent negative situations which the characters get involved in.

The area shown on the right is an underground walk way located again in Darlington's town centre. Based on the shelter and lack of lighting, a lot of crime will occur here, so it is perfect for situations which I want to include in my film. But, because it is a walk way into a busy area of the town centre it may be hard to produce the shots without people from the public disrupting my work.

Making my Recce has made me pay attention more to how important the location is in making my trailer. It has shown me that the location really helps portray the genre and show the realism of the lives the characters live, this really gets the audience involved in the film. So I need to really consider a lot of different locations that can help me really express the genre that I have chosen. The locations have to include a number of things including graffiti, dark alleys, run-down areas and over -grown vegetation. If i can find locations that contain all these different characteristics then the genre of my film will be found much easier from my audiences perspective.

I am very lucky because most of the locations aren't busy areas, this means I don't have to ask for people's permission if they accidently get filmed during my recording. The only area I will have to ask for permission to film in is the police station location.

I had to create a risk assessment and hazard evaluation sheet for every location I intend to shoot in, I produced them because they help improve the health and safety of my actors and myself. they also help me in choosing my locations for shooting because if an area is to dangerous then it is not worth risking filming there. A couple of forms which I completed for different locations are shown below.

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